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The Complicated Relationship Between Hillary Clinton and the Women Who Cover Her

2 minute read

Traditionally, reporters covering presidential campaigns have been predominantly male—but that’s starting to change, perhaps especially in Hillary Clinton’s press corp, according to a feature Vogue published online Thursday.

“Until very recently, the proportion of women covering presidential races has roughly reflected that of Congress. (About 20 percent, rounded up.)” writes Irina Aleksander. “Of the reporters who dip in and out of the campaign trail, there are 26 women and only three men. ‘It is definitely different’ is how Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s communications director, describes it.”

Because reporters are with her constantly—though not on her plane, as Bernie Sanders’ press corps is—there is a strange familiarity between the candidate and the corps. “The point of it all is not to miss anything, and there are still reporters who hang their heads remembering the time Clinton cried in 2008 and they were not there to see it,” writes Aleksander.

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The setup results in a unique dynamic. “Clinton’s efforts to dodge the women who follow her have sometimes resulted in unusual encounters,” writes Aleksander. “Once, Clinton mistook [Politico’s Annie] Karni for a supporter in the crowd and seemed to panic upon realizing her mistake. ‘ “She goes, ‘You’re great, you’re great!” ’ Karni recalls, ‘and then she just bolted.'”

“I feel like I have a relationship with her—in my head,” [Ruby] Cramer, the BuzzFeed reporter, told Vogue. (Cramer’s father, Richard Ben Cramer, wrote What It Takes: The Way to the White House, about the 1988 presidential race.)

“I wake up and think about her every day. She wakes up and thinks about me probably, like, never,” Karni half-jokes: “I think she hates us.”

Head over to Vogue to read the full feature.

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Write to Robin Hilmantel at robin.hilmantel@time.com