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Why Would Anyone Think Putting Hot Pepper on Your Girlfriend’s Tampon Is Funny?

1 minute read

In today’s beyond-disturbing news, Internet prankster Brad Holmes filmed himself rubbing a hot chile pepper on his girlfriend’s tampon, putting it back in its wrapper and then leaving it for her to unknowingly use. No surprise, the results—which Holmes also caught on camera—were pretty terrible for Jenny: In the clip, she says her vagina is “on fire” and that it “feels like it’s going to fall off.”

The video smacks of a hoax—particularly since other videos of the couple show Holmes faking a proposal and cutting her hair while she sleeps (and who in their right mind would stay with this guy if the pranks were real?)—but still, we must ask: Why on Earth would anyone find this nonsense funny?

We’ll skip a video embed, but if you want to see what happened, click here. As The Cut pointed out already, “If it’s real, praising it as a funny joke is horrifyingly bad judgement.”

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Write to Robin Hilmantel at robin.hilmantel@time.com